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    Propaedeutics in Internal Medicine

    Lectures are held according to the allocation and schedule HERE.

    E-learning is on Moodle (https://moodle.lf1.cuni.cz/mod/folder/view.php?id=9928) and MedicalMedia.eu (https://www.medicalmedia.eu/cs/Detail/0/6182).

    Practicals are held according to the allocation and schedule HERE.

    To participate in the internships, white coat, stethoscope and a visually-mounted student card are required.

    The credit is given by the teacher during the last session of the subject.

    The exam is held in the winter semester.

    Dear students, come to the exam at 1 p.m. on the day of the exam in front of the clinic's secretariat, building U Nemocnice 1, ground floor.

    The secretariat office is in the middle of the long corridor of the 3rd internal clinic.The door number is P.84.

    You will be picked up by the examiner and taken to the inpatient ward where the examination itself will take place. A white coat with an attached student identification card, a stethoscope, writing utensils and a respirator are required for the exam. Also check whether you have credit from the subject of internal propaedeutics in SIS.

    Questions for the exam can be found here

    Normal physical examination

    Following are links to the websites containing collections of heart and breaths sounds : 

    Blaufuss Multimedia: 


    The R.A.L.E. Repository: Respiratory sounds:


    David Arnall: Pulmonary Breath Sounds: 



    Last change: September 25, 2024 08:27