Summer clerkship ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The clerkship is intended to expose you to practical aspects of patients' care and require communication ability with patients. Therefore, we recommend that students perform the clerkship in their home countries. Another reason is the fact that you have exposure to our facility here during regular seme practicing here does not allow you to develop your clinical experience from a different pe Moreover, there are limited resources as teachers are occupied supporting exams taking pla winter/summer break. For these reasons we cannot accept you for the clerkship unless there is an exceptional re medical, social etc.). Consultation hours: prof. MUDr. M. Vrablík Ph.D. / as. MUDr. J. Škrha jr.: Wednesday 7:50- Office, 3rd Dept. of Internal Medicine. Email requests for credit should be used in exceptional cases only, with arrange time at l weeks during summer months).